Friday, May 16, 2014

Shadow Lands Headlines for May 2014

Scientists Discover the Vampire’s Secret to Immortality

Recently two teams of scientists have discovered that there is indeed a link between blood and aging.  Teams from Stanford University and the University of California, San Francisco have found that there are proteins in blood that not only combat aging in tissue, but in some instances can actually reverse the damage of aging.
Though it is not widely known, there have been some occasion when blood has actually been used to treat those who are very ill or on their deathbed.
Researchers are urging the public to be patient while they translate their results and search for a practical use for this discovery.

The Grave of an Ancient Vampire Discovered

A 5000 year old grave of what is thought to be a vampire was uncovered in Poland. The body was discovered to have had its fangs removed and a rock inserted into its mouth. In addition, the leg had been staked so that the body would not be able to rise from the grave.
The unearthing of a genuine vampire grave, along with the new science that indicates young blood does reverse aging has many humans rethinking the existence of vampires. This can’t be good for those who feed off the ignorance of their prey. For those of you who are not vampires, it would be best to keep a lookout over your shoulder when out at night.

Teens Disappearing

From California to New York teens have been disappearing at an alarming rate. At this time it’s unknown if foul play is involved, but elders are urging their young ones to be cautious if they have to be out and about.
It seems not all teens are at risk. According to authorities those who have disappeared have two things in common. The missing teens are all between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. Six people have disappeared over the last month.

Proof of Vampires

A documentary that examines evidence that suggest vampires have always been with us.

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